Christian Discipleship

Christ calls all his followers to be disciples. Some individuals have a special calling to evangelize a certain geographic area. To often however, discipleship is specially tied in the minds of Americans to outreaches to third-world countries. But this is not the case.

To practice discipleship one doesn’t have to go overseas. Discipleship is simply teaching others about Christ- His nature, His law, His love, His graciousness. Are the only ones that need this other in other countries. It is extremely sad often Christians travel internationally to the United States to disciple Christians here. Sometimes the truth hurts. America is in need of discipleship just as much as any other country anywhere in the world.

With this said, how exactly should we conduct our discipleship efforts? Should we target one person at a time? Should we target families? Communities? Towns? Should we impose extra-biblical standards on the disciples?

Listen and Learn.

(If you are interesting in the book Mr. Rigsby was referencing click here)