The Power of Christ

Churches today preach a small God. The scriptures however teach us that our God is by no means small. They seek to confine God’s standard to certain genres and areas of life. They teach that God is Lord of heaven and Satan is lord of earth.

Whatever the scripture does teach about God, it is certainly not that he is small. God is presented as big, powerful. How powerful? More powerful than anything we know. In fact, more powerful than anything we can comprehend. And what difference does a powerful God make? A powerful God makes our salvation possible. A powerful God is one who has conquered sin (Satan) and death at the cross. A powerful God is one who has ascended into heaven, has ALL authority in heaven AND ON EARTH (Matthew 28:15), and his ruling the world by the power of his hand. Lastly, a powerful God is one who sustains his elect by the power of His own hand and will allow NONE of them to be snatched away.

Without a powerful God we have a limited God.

The scriptures do not teach a limited God so we have no reason to believe one exists.