Click here to access the mp3s of A Study of John’s Revelation – By: Dr. Ken Gentry
Bro. William Jones teaches on the first fruit laws and how they relate to us in our daily lives.
Bro. Dan Nicolei opens up and dissects the misc. laws of chapter 25
Bro. Ben Character discusses the laws of ch. 24 and shows how they are protection for His people.
Bro. Ben Epps teaches on the proper administration of divorce.
Bro. William Jones discusses the way God helped provide for the poor Israelites.
Bro. Jack Rigsby teaches on the people excluded from the assembly of God.
Bro. Ben Character teaches on the marriage customs and laws concerning sexual immorality.
Bro. Jonathan Character expounds the civil and ceremonial laws found in Deuteronomy 22 (HERE is a link to the sermon on syncretism referenced)
Bro. Ben Epps teaches on laws concerning 1) Marriage of foreign women 2) Unsolved killing 3) Rebellious sons 4) Inheritance for firstborns
Bro. William Jones Discusses the laws of warfare and what are the biblical reasons for warfare.