Click here to access the mp3s of A Study of John’s Revelation – By: Dr. Ken Gentry
Bro. Jonathan Character teaches on the holiness of God
Bro. Ben Epps calls us to remember. To remember God and His promises, and to remember ourselves and our natural, sinful, tendencies
Bro. William Jones teaches us to remember God, His commandments, and what He has done for us
Bro. Jack Rigsby reveals the true heart of man and why the Israelites should not have idols
Bro. Ben Character shows when, why, and how to obey and teach God’s commandment’s
Bro. Ben Epps teaches us the importance of the commandments of God and how they are intertwined with faith
Bro. Dan teaches on the cities of refuge, how they representative Christ – our Rock 0f refuge
Bro. William Jones teaches the difference between the Mosiac law and God’s law
Bro. Ben Character teaches us we need to obey God’s word to bring Him glory and for us to prosper and live long in the land He has given us
Bro. Ben Epps teaches on the importance of having faith in God and seeing His full promises