Click here to access the mp3s of A Study of John’s Revelation – By: Dr. Ken Gentry
Bro. William Jones teaches on the Israelites wandering in the wilderness and the fact God that owns everything and everyone and that we need to be accepting of His will
Bro. Dan Nicolei provides an introduction to the 5th book of the Pentateuch, recounting the Israelite’s journey
Bro. Ben Character teaches us examine ourselves to see if our beliefs line up with our actions
Bro. Ben Epps teaches us the foolishness in boasting in ourselves and what truly makes a good relationship
Bro. William Jones teaches on Paul’s defense against the false teachers
Bro. Dan Nicolei teaches on the principles of spiritual warfare
Bro. Ben Character teaches why and how to be a cheerful giver
Bro. Ben Epps teaches on the foolishness of being bound with unbelievers and Paul’s rejoicing of the Corinthian’s repentance
Bro. Jonathan Character teaches on the importance of charity and being a channel of grace.
Brother William Jones teaches about Paul’s example to the Corinthians and his admonition to holiness lest their witness be in vain