Click here to access the mp3s of A Study of John’s Revelation – By: Dr. Ken Gentry
Brother Dan teaches about the three reasons for Paul’s ministry
Bro. Ben Epps teaches on the doctrine of glory
Bro. William Jones teaches on true nature of forgiveness; is it just forgetting something ever happened?
Bro. Dan Nicolei provides an introduction to Paul’s second epistle to the church at Corinth, providing some historical commentary/view on this book
Bro. Ben Character teaches on Paul’s final admonition to the Corinthian church
Bro. Jonathan Character teaches on the doctrine of the resurrection
Bro. William Jones teaches on the gift and use of the gift of tongues
Bro. Dan Nicolei teaches on the various expressions of charity
Bro. Ben Character teaches on spiritual gifts; is one more efficacious than another?
Bro. Ben Epps teaches on factions and their refining purpose for the church of Christ