Click here to access the mp3s of A Study of John’s Revelation – By: Dr. Ken Gentry
A teaching in Titus by pastor Johnson.
A Continued teaching in Titus on the proper attitude of leaders in the church.
A Sermon on the proper action of the Lord’s Supper and Baptism.
A sermon on the qualifications for ecclesiastical leaders from Titus and 1 Timothy.
A Philippines Missionary Report by David Weaver and Family
A sermon by Pastor Derek Johnson on the Doctrine of Election.
God ordains order in the local Church. He ordains a hierarchy and system of leadership which provides a superstructure in the local church. Paul, in His letter to Titus, addresses problems which in the church in Crete which threaten godly order. Sound doctrine must be central, Paul maintains.
Leviticus 25:24 sets forth an operating principle in God’s economy: “the land is mine” Because the land is God’s, it must be handled in terms of His Law. God’s perfect order much be established by covenant-keeping man. Immediately following this declaration of absolute ownership by God, the laws of the kinsman-redeemer are given. The purpose […]
A sermon on Ruth chapter 2 by Pastor Derek Johnson.
James 1:3 tells us the testing of our faith is a good thing. We are strengthened as we challenge each other, as iron sharpens iron, and we work out our salvation with “fear and trembling.” In this narrative in Ruth, we see that God used Naomi’s test of Oprah and Ruth to bring Ruth into […]