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God’s Providence in History

God’s providence is a key part of the Reformed faith. It was so important to the Puritans what they named a city after it. However, when men begin to look to the State as Messiah, it becomes the source of providence. This cannot be. God alone is sovereign, working His hand in the affairs of […]

Judgment Begins at the House of God

The theme of the book of Judges is Israel’s rejection of God as ruler over them, and subsequently his Law-Word as binding. With this rejection of God’s Law-Word, man became a standard unto himself, and proceeded to do “whatever was right in his own eyes”. As we bring the book of Judges to a conclusion, […]

The Dangers of Syncretism

The second commandment expressly forbids the worship of graven images. Our worship must transcend the creation and reach to the creator. The Israelites were mixing pagan idolatry with what they considered to be YAHWEH worship. Like in math, a positive and a negative don’t make a positive. Despite their apparent sincerity, these people were employing […]

Samson – Fighting the Fight Alone

Paul commands us to “fight the good fight”. Samson, as the God-proclaimed deliver of Israel from the Philistines, seems to fight the good fight alone. Even his own countrymen attempt to deliver him into the hand of his enemies. Samson is always fighting, but it seems that he doesn’t realize his divine ordinance as deliver. […]

Samson – the nativity narrative

Every one of the characters in the Old Testament should teach us something about God. Some do so more clearly than others. Samson is one of the clearest. He served as a typological representation of Christ. The Kingship of Christ is most vividly portrayed through Samson. Nevertheless, in this sermon, Pastor Johnson walks through the […]

The Theocentricity of the Scriptures

God scripted scripture to tell us about Him. This is the Theocentricity of the Bible. Even in the most non exiting, non interesting or seemingly meaningless details of the scriptures we should find God. In Judges 12:8-12 we are told of three judges and very little about their lives. God, the living, divine, soverign, creator […]

Jephthah and His Conflicts

A lack of trust in God will bring the downfall of a man. God is the only constant and if we fail to fix ourselves on Him, the rock, we will be tossed about like Jephthah. Jephthah professed dependence on God, but, in his own heart, was insecure. He attempted to bargain with God and […]

God’s Compassion

God is all in all. God is self-encompassing to the extent that his eternal state and being precludes us from any knowledge of him. That’s that bad news. BUT, we do know about God. And EVERYONE knows about God (Romans 1). This is because God has stepped down from his eternal throne and talked to […]

God’s Faithfulness through the Obscure

God speaks to mankind through scripture. Regardless of how random a verse looks, it is divinely placed. It is our job to tease out what God is telling us, how He wants us to understand what He is telling us, and how to apply this to our lives. God is soverign. He is faithful to […]