Click here to access the mp3s of A Study of John’s Revelation – By: Dr. Ken Gentry
God’s sovereignty in history is amazing. He truly doth “depose kings and raise up others” (Dan 2:21). This this narrative in Judges, God brings judgement upon Israel for its spiritual adultery from one of its own. The bramble rises up and seems to succeed to successfully subvert justice, but his end is sure. God’s kingdom […]
Power often corrupts. Man can give lip service to truth, while simultaneously indulging in sin. Here, Gideon verbally refuses the kingship, but, at the same time, plays of the part of royalty. It is interesting to evaluate Gideon’s actions in light of the law of Kings found in Deuteronomy 17:14-20: When you come to the […]
God’s faithfulness continues to be demonstrated in the face of continued disobedience (covenant-breaking) on the part of the Israelites. This time, however, God uses slightly different means to bring deliverance. Additionally, Gideon is commanded to begin reformation by addressing a particular covenantal institution. Which is this? Listen and learn.
As we journey through the book of Judges we see a reoccurring theme: Israel repeated unfaithfulness as opposed to God’s unwavering faithfulness. We again, that God is soverign and appoints the “end from the beginning“. Contrary to the beliefs of deism, God is personally involved in the world and directs “whatsoever comes to pass“. He […]
Ehud brought tribute and a message from God to Eglon, king of Moab. What was unique about Ehud, his relationship with Eglon and the Moabites in general, and his preparation for the delivery of a word from Lord: a double-edged sword? Listen and learn.
Othniel was an interesting character. He was a man of courage, conviction, and preparation for God’s special task. He brought temporary rest to the land for 40 years through his leadership. What was unique about his calling as a judge?
What was Israel’s final failure which led them into repetitive apostasy? Listen and learn.
The church’s mission is total victory. This is because “all authority in heaven and on earth” is Christ’s. In Judges, we are introduced to two failures which prevented the children of Israel from attaining total victory over the inhabitants of Canaan. The same two failures still exist as a plague today, acting as a hindrance […]
Sanctification necessarily follows sanctification. Believers help each other in the sanctification process. Sanctification is achieved by obedience to God’s law. “If you love me you will keep my commandments”. Fellowship, prayer, hearing and studying and word, and the sacraments are all commandments of God and means of grace in the life of a believer. But, […]
Carnal Christianity is a dangerous doctrine. Did it begin in the 1800’s with Charles Finney and “modern revivalism”? No, it did not. In fact, Jude addresses carnal Christianity as early as the first century! Jude speaks of “spots in the love feast” and “hidden reefs”. Carnal Christians are both. Check out this amazing sermon as […]