Click here to access the mp3s of A Study of John’s Revelation – By: Dr. Ken Gentry
Pastor Johnson speaks of Christ’s victory in history from 1 Corinthians 15.
Final chapter in the LBC discussing the closing of history and eternity beyond.
Pastor Johnson teaches from the 1689 on baptism.
Pastor Johnson teaches the third part of a series on the church as the bride of Christ from the 1689 LBC
Pastor Johnson teaches the second part of a series on the church as the bride of Christ from the 1689 LBC
Pastor Johnson teaches the first part of a series on the church as the bride of Christ from the 1689 LBC
Bro. Ben Character Sr. shares stories on missionary work around the world and the importance of the gospel of the Kingdom.
Pastor Derek Johnson speaks of on the ordinance of marriage as part of the series in the London Baptist Confession.
Pastor Johnson expounds on this chapter of the 1689 LBC
Teaching on the aforementioned subjects from the 1689 London Baptist Confession.