Loving Refugees: Why Christians are getting it wrong

Today Dr. Character had a chance to review Geoffrey Botkin’s late sermon titled: Loving Refugees: Why Christians are getting it wrong. To listen to the original sermon by Mr. Botkin click here, or watch it:

The sermon was originally recorded immediately after the recorded after the Paris Bataclan Jihad. It  points out the reasons for Christian blindness and confusion on the issue of Muslim migration. It explores the root causes of Christian failure in assessing truly loving solutions of compassion and mercy. Christians harm entire nations when they join the games of political correctness and ignore what the Bible commands. People get hurt when Christians tolerate or enable hateful intimidation and violent jihad by appeasing and accommodating Islamic theology. This is not Christian charity. This is not the right way to “respect” Muslims. There are direct Biblical solutions that help both Muslim migrants and the host nations who can offer the world a better alternative than weakness, cowardice and surrender to Sharia Law.